Leaflets and posters

The Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board produces various leaflets and posters about identifying and reporting abuse and neglect.

You are welcome to download and display our leaflets and posters. Or you can order copies from us and we will provide them if we have stock available, email derbyshiresab@derbyshire.gov.uk

Safeguarding adults: what to expect leaflet

The safeguarding adults what to expect leaflet provides an explanation of the purpose of the safeguarding process in a clear and straightforward way. The leaflet, which is attached to this page, can be printed off or saved as a Word document and completed electronically.

The leaflet is something that can be ‘owned’ by the adult and they can refer back at any point during the safeguarding process. The leaflet contains sections where the practitioner can inform the adult who their key point of contact is in relation to the safeguarding process and the nature of the concerns raised about them. There is also a section where the adult can write down any questions, wishes or feelings. This information can be used as part of safety planning to ensure that the adult’s views have been taken into account.

The leaflet has been co-produced with feedback received from the Derbyshire Stakeholder Engagement Board (DSEB) and adults who have previously been supported via the safeguarding process in Derbyshire.

Making safeguarding personal (MSP) means putting the adult at the centre of everything we do. The focus should always be on ensuring we understand what the adult wants to achieve, and agreeing, negotiating and recording their desired outcomes, working with them to see how these can be realised.

Important. When safe to do so, this leaflet should be shared and discussed with the adult and / or their advocate at the start of the safeguarding process with time taken to explain its purpose. The decision to share the leaflet should be taken on a case-by-case basis with professional judgement used. Although the leaflet will be a helpful tool for some adults, there will be circumstances when leaving this leaflet with the adult could put them at further risk of harm, for example, if the adult has disclosed domestic abuse and is living with the perpetrator.

If in doubt check with your line manager or safeguarding lead before sharing the leaflet.

In Derbyshire, if you would like to view the leaflet in a different language or format, please email derbyshiresab@derbyshire.gov.uk.

In Derby city, if you would like to view the leaflet in a different language or format, please email dsab@derby.gov.uk.

Tradespeople and safeguarding adults and children

Trader news, which is attached to this page, is a safeguarding factsheet for tradespeople who visit people's homes.

Tradespeople including heating, plumbing/cooling engineers, builders, or painters and decorators can play a vital role in keeping adults and children safe from harm and abuse.

Workers who enter homes to carry out their work, may well be in a position to notice and report signs of neglect, exploitation and abuse, thereby playing an essential role in keeping members of the public safe and secure.

Their information could be the first indication or a missing part of a bigger picture. Adults or children rarely exist in isolation and the approach of ‘Think Family’ aims to promote the importance of considering the potential risk or wider implication to the whole family.

Domestic abuse and older adults leaflet

We are pleased to offer a new resource helping domiciliary carers understand domestic abuse and older adults. The resource helps to outline the key role that domiciliary carers can play in spotting the signs of domestic abuse in those they care for.

Supporting older people to engage with domestic abuse services has some specific barriers and challenges.  Domestic abuse is considered more hidden in this age group and is complicated by often having a range of care needs and wider relationship issues. Prevention is dependent on recognition and early intervention, especially in situations where carer stress is evident.

Domiciliary carers are well placed to identify instances of domestic abuse due to the nature of the relationship they can establish with their clients. Your staff may be uniquely positioned to spot the signs of domestic abuse and to help the people they support understand these risks.

The leaflet, which is attached to this page, helps identify the key signs of domestic abuse in older adults, what role domiciliary carers can play and what to do if there are any concerns. The leaflet is designed to be portable resources that domiciliary carers should carry with them when visiting clients.

Advice if you or someone you know is being abused, neglected or exploited leaflet

The 'advice if you or someone you know is being abused, neglected or exploited' leaflet is designed to inform both the public and professionals how to recognise abuse and neglect in Derbyshire.

The leaflet is available in 5 languages - English, Polish, Romanian, Ukrainian and Urdu. The English version comes in a choice of 3 images. All versions of the leaflet are attached to this page.

There is no excuse for abuse posters

The 'there is no excuse for abuse' poster, which comes in a choice of 8 different images, gives advice about what to do if you or someone you know in Derbyshire is being abused or neglected. All versions of the poster are attached to this page.

Keeping safe from abuse and neglect easy read full guide

This easy read guide, which is attached to this page, has been produced by the Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board with help and feedback from the Derbyshire Learning Disability Partnership Board.

The aim of the guide is to explain abuse and neglect using images and easy to understand information to help start conversations about safeguarding with adults who have care and support needs.

Predatory marriage

Hidden in plain sight, predatory marriage is an emerging form of exploitation. It can happen anywhere and to anyone, but older adults and adults who lack mental capacity are particularly at risk. Coercion and control and financial abuse are common features within this form of abuse. A leaflet and a 7 minute briefing about predatory marriage are attached to this page.