
Podcasts are a quick and easy way to listen to topics of interest at a time to suit you.

Doorstep scams and crime

In our doorstep crimes podcast, Rachel Daniels from Derbyshire County Council Trading Standards explains this type of crime, which includes rogue traders, bogus callers and distraction burglaries. Rachel provides information about what to look out for, your rights, how to seek support and how to report this type of crime.

Telephone scams

In our telephone scams podcast. Jamie Dean from Derbyshire County Council Community Safety and Tammy Barnes from Derbyshire Police discuss the strategies used by telephone scammers and how to keep yourself safe. The podcast has information about where to find advice about spotting scams and how to report them. It also includes a short film from Derbyshire Police's sock it to the scammers campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness of commonly reported fraud attempts in Derbyshire and how to stop them. 

Unpaid carers

In Derbyshire there are over 93,000 unpaid carers, according to the 2011 census.

Three in five people will become a carer at some point in their lives for a family member, friend or neighbour, and almost everyone will know family members, friends and colleagues who are carers, so it’s a role that many of us will occupy at some stage in our lives.

Unpaid carers may not recognise themselves as a carer and may see their carer role as part of being a husband, wife, partner, sibling, parent, child or friend.

It’s important for unpaid carers to recognise themselves in this role, in order for their contributions to be acknowledged and them be accorded their legal rights under the Care Act. It is a priority area of work for the DSAB to prevent safeguarding concerns arising in carer relationships by ensuring carers and the people they care for know how to access support and advice to keep them safe and well.

In the Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board (DSAB) carers podcast, Tom Brown, who is the Senior Practitioner with the DSAB, chats with Bev and Lisa, about their experiences as unpaid carers. Tom also talks with Jude Boyle who is the Carers Lead at Derbyshire County Council and Helen Weston who is the Interim CEO from Derbyshire Carers Association.

Vulnerable Adult Risk Management (VARM)

On the Joined Up Care Derbyshire website there are podcasts about safeguarding subjects. These include 2 about the VARM process in Derbyshire - 'What is VARM?' and 'VARM Case Study'. The podcasts explain how the process works, with examples based on real cases.

You can also watch the VARM podcasts in British Sign language format.

Practitioners should also read the VARM policy and practice guidance. They should read these alongside the flowchart, referral form and other documentation.

Learning from lives and deaths of people with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR)

Natalie Gee, Service Manager for Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board talks with Lisa Coppinger, Local Area Contact (LAC) for LeDeR with the Derby and Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group about learning from lives and deaths of people with a Learning Disability and autistic people (LeDeR) and why the work is important in relation to safeguarding adults in Derbyshire.